Out of the ashes: preservation at the edge of the world2002pit-fired ceramic and bronzeShe lays her head upon the soil, vulnerable in her pose of contemplation, shielded by her life-giving strength.Private Collection

Out of the ashes: preservation at the edge of the world


pit-fired ceramic and bronze

She lays her head upon the soil, vulnerable in her pose of contemplation, shielded by her life-giving strength.

Private Collection

Out of the ashes: ending that leads to dawn2002pit-fired ceramicWrestling through the dark hours of an endless night, the morning’s light is welcomed upon closed lids of the inner eye.Available

Out of the ashes: ending that leads to dawn


pit-fired ceramic

Wrestling through the dark hours of an endless night, the morning’s light is welcomed upon closed lids of the inner eye.


Out of the ashes: stillness before dawn2002pit-fired ceramic and bronzeBack within the womb, like deep night in the long hours before sunrise.Available

Out of the ashes: stillness before dawn


pit-fired ceramic and bronze

Back within the womb, like deep night in the long hours before sunrise.


Pit-fire series #4.jpg
Private Collection

Private Collection

Out of the ashes